Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day

I salute the men and women willing to give -- and some who did give -- everything in the defense of our great nation.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Like a Worm

I can feel depression stilling my mood and stirring sad thoughts in my mind. I won't succumb to food, though. Hmmm. What to do, what to do....

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Good news? No, they're GREAT

Things are moving along at work, things that are good! (Details to follow.) More importantly, though, is that my mom's out of the hospital. Yeah! Now we'll see if the operations a success.

Slowly but Surely

Adjusting food intake. I will be the biggest loser by June 2011!

Monday, November 8, 2010


For all my friends who are participating in this year's National Novel Writing Month: W00t! Keep up the great work. You can do it!

Healing Vibes for my Mom

My mom went into the hospital on Sunday for back surgery. So far she's recovering but in pain. Please send healing vibes her way for a speedy recovering. Thanks!

Marrying Friends

Before I forget, I want to post that I married my two friends Ted and Kate on Saturday, October 30th, 2010. W00t! And already booked to marry another couple next May.

How to calculate an (average) American male's ideal weight

105 pounds for first five feet of height, 6 pounds for every inch after. Then add ten percent for large frame. Finally, add ten pounds for being an American ^_^.

Thus, my "ideal" weight at six feet is 204.7 or 205 pounds.

Two Biggest Losers

By sheer coincidence, I got in to a discussion with two different groups -- all guys -- about losin' weight. Now it looks like I'm part of, not one, but two groups aiming to get fit by mid-next year. What am I in for?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Time to put away the Coffee?

Has it been over six months since I've posted anything on The State of the Coffee? Am I that much of a facebook addict? Seems so.

Should I retire State? I'm only half-jesting when I say I spend a lot on facebook. Heck, I have two accounts! Seems everyone's there.

What do y'all think?